3 Skincare Lessons I learnt Past Year
Sunscreens, ingredient lists, and prices
Here I am after a while writing back in Medium. In early 2022, I started focusing more on my skincare. I have always had skin problems throughout my life. Be it acne, hyperpigmentation, or dry skin. Sometime in last year I sat down and started researching why most of the skin care products I buy don’t work. My main medium of research was YouTube. I started watching videos from influencers, dermatologists to chemists and learned a lot. Here are my 3 key takeaways
Sunscreen is a must
Growing up in a tropical South Asian country, sunscreen was never a key part of skincare and was often ignored. Not even the countless dermatologists I went to ever told me to wear sunscreen. The first lesson I learned about skincare is that sunscreen is important. Even if you don’t use anything else, use a sunscreen. Not only it will protect your skin from UV rays which cause skin cancer, but it also has anti-aging benefits. The recommendation is to use an SPF 50 sunscreen and reapply it every two hours.
Marketing vs. Ingredients List
Before I started looking into skincare, I would just go to either Superdrug or Boots, read labels, and buy skin care based on their marketing material. However, I soon learned that the ingredient list in the products doesn’t lie, even though the marketing material is. When I buy any product now, the first thing I do is to read the ingredient list on the back.
Expensive products are not always better
I always thought the higher the price you pay, the better product you get. Obviously, this is not the case. There can be really nice formulations in cheaper products than the more expensive ones. Always, always look into the ingredient list before making a purchase and try to find alternatives. I recently started using Korean skincare which is very friendly to the purse but has amazing results
It was nice writing after a long time as I want to get into the habit of writing again. So this is my first attempt to get back.